We build trust through reputation.

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The reputation of a company is an incredibly fragile thing. Unfortunately, many things can damage it with only a few avenues for repairing it. However, there are certainly options for reinforcing your reputation against future damages. Doing so can help protect your reputation and improve it by taking advantage of a process called guest posting.

Guest posting involves putting out blog posts or articles on websites that are not directly posted on your company’s website. While it might seem counterintuitive, it can be one of the most essential tools in your arsenal.

Guest posting offers opportunities to expand your reach and improve the perception of you and your services. However, there are very specific reasons why this particular practice benefits the average company. With this article, we hope to provide some insight into how guest posting can help you better manage your reputation.

#1: Approved Posts Indicate Professionalism

The first thing to remember is that you cannot simply post on someone else’s website without permission. When guest posting, your article needs to be subjected to review by the owners of that website to ensure the posts mesh with the sentiments of the host site and are also of the sort of quality they want to see in their posts. This means that your article will be scrutinized and compared to the standards of others before it is posted. This might seem like a nerve-wracking experience, but the results are well worth the effort.

Even though your post is being scrutinized for any possible error or issue, it is a significant accomplishment for the post to be approved. Once approved and posted to the host site, it accomplishes something that could not be done on your company’s site. It demonstrates the approval of another party and shows that there is value in the services or products you offer in the eyes of a fellow industry member.

Approved Guest Post

This level of approval helps get your company’s name out there in the industry and puts it in the spotlight for potential customers. In addition to the newfound attention your company will be getting, you will also have garnered a reputation as a company that has earned approval beyond its existing consumer base. This can be an invaluable boon to your company’s overall reputation and just the boost your company needs to cement its place in your industry.

Given that a company’s reputation is based almost entirely on the viewpoint of others, finding ways to enhance your public image is paramount to success. Earning a spot as a guest poster on another website for the industry is an excellent way to do just that. However, being approved is only one facet of what makes guest posting such a powerful weapon in the war for a respectable reputation.

#2: You Will Expand to New Audiences

Reputation does not only help to reinforce your company against libel, slander, or other issues. It also encourages new potential customers to give your services a try. By expanding from the closed sphere of your company’s website and posting elsewhere, you can extend the reach of your reputation to demographics you might otherwise have missed. This expansion to the previously unexplored demographics enables you to bolster the number of people aware of you and your services.

Reaching new audiences is often associated with advertisement initiatives rather than writing articles or blog posts. However, using guest post services enables you to breach the barrier between your industry and another and practically double your potential client count. Given the previous point of your post being reviewed before successfully finding a home on the host site, some demographics could be locked behind the gates of the host site.

New Audience Reading Post

There has been evidence to suggest that even companies who have maintained a blog for two years might only get between 60 to 120 views a day. A mere few hundred is an abysmal result in a world where the internet enables billions of views a day. So, relying solely on your company blog might leave you talking to the same audience every time you post on your blog. The buildup of an audience on any website takes time, so it stands to reason that branching out will help to expand yours.

You might think that reaching out to these new audiences on someone else’s website might seem unproductive. However, even this is something that guest posting is just as capable of driving readers towards you.

#3: The Readers Will Investigate Your Site

After posting on a host site, there will be a chain reaction from the readers of the host’s content who take an interest in what was said about you and your services. Those who found themselves compelled by the services and information your business offers will undoubtedly be spurred to seek out more information for themselves. Doing so means they will be prompted to research you. Their investigation into you and your business will likely lead them to your website.

Readers Investigating Site

It is a bit of a journey in some cases. However, there is something to be said about how posting on one website improves the odds of traffic to your website. This can make all the difference between success and failure for your business. This divergence of web traffic to your company’s official website means more potential customers will be able to peruse the services and products you have to offer. In addition, this means they are more likely to commit to retaining your services.

The focus on diverting readers to your website means that you will be able to offer your services to more people. However, getting people to reach your website from the post you have written for the host site requires some care. Specifically, the search for your website will be predicated on the terms they enter into a search engine. Fortunately, there are ways to effectively funnel these searches to your website with little fluff between the results.

#4: You Can Manage the SEO

One of the most important tools in ensuring that the visitors from the host site reach your company site is search engine optimization (SEO). SEO determines which results take precedence when anyone searches. Of course, we all know of popular search engines like Google or Bing. The algorithm employed by these search engines operates on a keyword system that correlates the terms used in the search itself to the content of the results it pulls up for their viewing.

Because the power of SEO dictates which articles, posts, and websites get pulled up more often and in what order, taking advantage of SEO is critical. In most cases, this requires using keywords in the actual post to maximize the odds of your post taking the lead amongst the other search results. Keywords in these posts are more than just making sure that the post on the host site is given more priority over the others. They also serve as the bridge between 2 disparate websites.

Managing Company SEO

When you write the post for the host site, you will want to ensure the keywords being used accomplish two things. The first is to ensure that the keywords fit with the most important terms, concerns, and phrases associated with your field. Doing so is what will put the post near the top of the average list of Google results. However, you will want to make sure those keywords are the same keywords you see on your main website.

Correlate the keywords listed on the host site with the ones you usually employ in the posts on your site. This accomplishes a double effect of placing your website nearer the top of the search results, much like your hosted post, and connecting the post to your main website to ease the burden of research on interested parties. Making it simpler to find your main site and enabling it to remain close to the top of the search results list makes guest posting an excellent way to launch a two-pronged assault against being overlooked.

However, SEO also plays into the reputation your company cultivates. Specifically, since the SEO improves your company’s chances of being one of the top search results returned for the industry, you become the first port in the storm for most potential customers. This makes you an incredibly valued asset to those who might have urgent questions or concerns about the field and therefore bolsters your reputation in the eyes of the public.

#5: Your Authority In the Industry Spikes

As we mentioned before, getting an article approved to be posted on a host site requires it to be approved by the site’s manager. Getting approved generally indicates that others respect your company’s services in the field and support your claims. While this is a powerful boon to the immediate perception of your company, it is only one block in the tower. The more blocks you stack, the higher your tower becomes. This translates to your company’s authority in the industry rather than the sect you might have secured before.

The more you post, the more widely accepted your company’s authority in the industry becomes. The more widespread your posts are, the further that expertise reaches. Your company’s expertise is an integral part of what makes it a valued and successful part of the industry. Guest posting allows you to extend further the reach and accepted value of your company’s expertise.

Writing Guest Post

Ultimately, guest posting serves to bridge the gap between your company and the rest of the information network used in the modern era. Once you have successfully earned the ability to post on a host’s website, your expertise will be accepted more readily and eventually become a widespread sentiment.

Improve Your Reputation Today

Getting authorized to place a blog post on another website is an extremely efficient way to improve your odds of being noticed by those outside the typical demographics you reach. Companies require the ability to answer common questions and address concerns surrounding their services and might need to provide insight into the industry. Being invited to guest post on another website can serve as a significant boon to your company’s reputation. This includes being viewed as the expert in the field that you are due to being accepted to comment on such a wide scale.

There is more to managing your reputation than being allowed to offer your expertise on someone else’s medium. Your reputation is subject to the general opinion of the population and your customers. As a result, the reviews being placed on your webpage will affect the perception of you and your company. The same applies to your social media presence being held against you should you post or espouse any less than acceptable sentiments. Sometimes, managing all these little details can be too much for any one company to handle.

Reading Company Posts

To that end, we at Reputation are here to help. We offer a series of reputation management services to handle the management of reviews and your social media presence. We know that maintaining your reputation is a challenging endeavor and will require a fair amount of effort. With us, you can take the hassle out of managing your reputation to ensure that you are well understood and accepted that you will be invited to guest post on a far more frequent basis.

Do you have any questions or concerns about how guest posts can help with your company’s reputation management? Was there anything that we mentioned in this article that you would like a little more clarification on? Is there anything about reputation management in general that you’re having a little bit of trouble grasping fully? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, please do not hesitate to reach out and contact us at any time! We understand that reputation management for your company is a serious task, one not taken lightly. We will gladly clear up any concerns and answer any questions you may be having. We’re ready, and looking forward to assisting you and your company with your reputation management concerns however we possibly can!

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    Matt Earle

    Matt Earle, Founder of Reputation.ca, is a leading Canadian expert on online reputation management with over 15 years of hands on experience working in the space. Mr. Earle’s educational background includes an H.BSc from the University of Toronto and certification as a Google Professional. His expertise has been acknowledged through national television appearances on CBC, PBS and CTV, being a guest host on CBC radio, and numerous quotes in print and online media.