
We build trust through reputation.

CheaterReport.com Post Removal

How CheaterReport.com Damages Your Reputation

CheaterReport.com is yet another notorious public shaming sites on the internet, where anonymous posters can freely add photos and negative descriptions of others with little or no fear of repercussions.

Unfortunately, the reality is, if someone posts your name or photo along with a description to CheaterReport.com, it can have a significantly damaging effect on your reputation.

Why is that?

Because posts on CheaterReport.com are linked to details, like your name and location, that will position that information high in the Google results for your name. CheaterReport.com’s posts are optimized for Google, so that anonymous posters can shame their targets to maximum effect.

How can I remove my information from CheaterReport.com?

CheaterReport.com states that the posts on its site are the opinions of their authors, and advises that anyone who has an issue with the material posted should take it up with the person who authored the post. CheaterReport.com also states that the site values First Amendment rights and enjoys immunity under U.S. law, per the Communications Decency Act.

What this means is that, if you find your name on CheaterReport.com, you have very few options to remove the post yourself. CheaterReport.com states that they will not respond to threats or complaints.

However, if you work with Reputation.ca, you can get posts on CheaterReport.com removed from both the site and from Google search results.

Reputation.ca removes CheaterReport.com posts. Period.

Reputation.ca can remove posts from both CheaterReport.com and from Google. Our approach to removing damaging CheaterReport.com content from both the website and Google is backed by our years of reputation management experience.

We back our removal services with this guarantee: If the post about you on CheaterReport.com is not completely gone from Google and Bing within two weeks, we will refund 100% of your money.

There’s no reason to let yourself be victimized by embarrassing content on CheaterReport.com. Please complete the form below and our friendly representatives will start on your removal project immediately.

CALL NOW : 1 (888) 505-5023


How can CheaterReport.com ruin your reputation?
CheaterReport.com is a global site and one of the most heavily trafficked cheater reporting websites on the Internet. Information positioned as truth carries a substantial risk of affecting your reputation, livelihood, and even future relationships.
Isn’t CheaterReport.com supposed to be unbiased?
No, quite the opposite. User-generated content websites are highly susceptible to bias, leaving it up to the reader to decide what is true. CheaterReport.com fails to filter out unconstructive information, allowing for malicious bias.
What does CheaterReport.com require before someone can post?
CheaterReport.com only requires a user’s email address before allowing them to post. This means, someone can post using a fake account and keep creating new accounts to defame and attack innocent people.
Can’t I just file a DMCA Takedown notice?
Only if the person has posted photos of you on CheaterReport.com. Then, you can try filing a copyright infringement argument.
Was CheaterReport.com created with good intentions?
Maybe, but it has since morphed into a platform highly susceptible to abuse and malicious postings. Warning others of unfaithful spouses has turned into a site where users cyberbully others with little to no evidence.


We did not play any part in publishing the existing negative content about you. Additionally, we have no ownership or control over the websites that are hosting the damaging posts about you. However, we are disclosing to you fully that in order to achieve your goal of getting the posts removed we may try and persuade the website owners to remove the content about you either directly or through other third parties. This may involve paying them or an intermediary money.

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